1Who needs safety commissioners?
Every company with more than 20 regularly working employees has safety commissioners to order. This is regulated in §22 SGB VII.
2What is the core task of the safety commissioner?
The safety commissioner assist the entrepreneur in the implementation of measures for the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases.
3Are safety commissioners authorized to give instructions in their function?
No. Safety commissioners perform their duties "on a voluntary basis", convincing colleagues about the importance of health and safety at work with arguments. Supervisors should therefore not take over the work of the security officer.
4Are there any requirements to be met to become a safety commissioner?
Theoretically, every employee may be trained as a safety commissioner. However, there are requirements that should be met. Above all, employees who are accepted in the company and have the necessary social skills as well as a sure instinct are suitable. Supervisors should not act as safety commissioner.
5Is an exam to be taken after the training?
No. There is no exam planned here. The future safety commissioners must attend the training. Subsequently, the certificates are distributed to the participants.
6Who needs fire protection assistants?
Every company has to have fire protection assistants. A share of five percent of the employees present is normally sufficient under normal fire risk according to ASR A2.2. But depending on the hazard (risk assessment) this number can increase. The number of fire protection assistant also considers shifts and the absence of individual workers, e.g. training, holidays and illness.
7Is it sufficient to order fire protection assistants?
No, but there are exceptions. Fire protection assistants are expertly instructed. In addition to the theoretical training, also a practical exercise is to be performed. Firefighters with successfully completed basic fire engineering training (in German "Truppfrau", "Truppmann"), can be ordered without additional training as fire protection assistants.
8Can anyone become a fire protection assistant?
All employees who can handle a fire extinguisher may become fire protection assistans. There are no special requirements for this.
9Is an exam to be taken after the training?
No. An exam is not to be taken here. After participating in the training, the certificates are distributed to the participants.
10When are fire protection commissioners required?
The order of fire protection commissioners is absolutely necessary, if this is required under a constructional law (in a corresponding building regulation) or by your fire protection insurance. In addition, it must be determined on the basis of the risk assessment whether a fire protection commissioner is necessary in your company.
11Who can become fire protection comissioner?
Participants at least have to have a completed vocational training. For companies with increased risk of fire, a special qualification is recommended for the fire protection commissioner, eg. For example, persons with training in firefighting training, graduates of the "Werkfeuerwehrmann/-frau" training program, occupational safety specialists and university graduates with a specialization in fire protection.
12Is an exam to be taken after the training?
Yes. The exam consists of a written and an oral part of the exam. The exam is passed when both parts of the exam have been successfully completed. Only then will the certificates be handed out to the participants.
13I own a motor vehicle driver's license. Am I not qualified to run a forklift?
No. Anyone who has a motor vehicle driver's license is not alone capable of driving forklift trucks.
14Who is allowed to get the industrial truck/ground handling certificate?
The criteria for the selection of the drivers are: At least 18 years old (in the context of vocational training there are exceptions), physical fitness (is determined in the occupational health screening G25), as well as mental and personal aptitude.
15Is an exam to be taken after the training?
Yes. The training must be completed by a theoretical and a practical exam. After passing the exam, the participants will receive their certificates.